Candidate Directory

Mike Warner

House District67

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Incumbent or New


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Constitution Party



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Candidate is running in a contested General Election.


Would you support or oppose legislation that would prohibit abortion except when necessary to prevent the death of the mother?


Would you support or oppose legislation that would make sexual orientation a new protected class under Tennessee’s civil rights laws?


Would you support or oppose legislation that would make gender identity/expression a new protected class under Tennessee’s civil rights laws?


Would you support or oppose a bill to amend Tennessee’s marriage statute to expressly authorize the issuance of marriage licenses to two people of the same sex?


Would you support or oppose legislation that would establish a $15 per hour minimum wage in Tennessee?


Do you support or oppose the proposition that a person should be allowed by law to use the bathroom or locker room that corresponds to the gender they identify with?


Would you support or oppose a law creating the office of Solicitor General, a lawyer to serve as the state’s advocate in the court systems, to be appointed by the General Assembly?


Do you support or oppose the U.S. Department of Justice redefining the word “sex” to also include gender identity for purposes of Title VII and Title IX?


Would you support or oppose legislation, like Insure Tennessee, that would expand Medicaid coverage in TN beyond the Medicaid eligible population?


Would you support or oppose legislation that would prohibit state courts or any local government from ordering a privately owned business to participate in activities associated with solemnization or celebration of a marriage through the provision of goods or services if participating would violate their beliefs regarding the nature of marriage?


Do you support or oppose the legalization of marijuana for recreational use?


Would you support or oppose legislation to award all of Tennessee’s Electors in a presidential election to the Party of the candidate who wins the national popular vote?


Do you support or oppose the legalization of horse racing tracks in Tennessee at which bets can be placed on races?


Would you support or oppose a nominee to the TN Supreme Court if there is credible evidence that the nominee believes the state or federal constitution should be viewed or interpreted as a “living” document?



Explain your view of state government’s role in relation to economic growth and/or job creation.

State government must insure any new or existing legislative act does not violate the limited and defined authority granted by the Tennessee Constitution regarding the: some created infraction; penalty assessed or; barriers preventing small and startup businesses from competing on a level playing field. It is the duty of state government to insure no civil government within the state may lawfully act in such a way as to favor one business or service provider over another when equally qualified.
It is a myth that government "creates jobs." When government directs private sector actions it takes money out of the economy far better left in the hands of the people who do create jobs and compete with their skill and imagination to build better products at a lower cost. Legislators are not endowed from on high with special knowledge when they win an election. Politicians have been and forever will be tempted to exchange preferential treatment or contracts for favors and/or campaign donations because laws do not stop crime. There are only two things that will prevent a person from taking advantage or doing damage to their neighbor: (1) when a person knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses not to do the wrong thing. (2) Knowing that your neighbor is well able to defend him or herself against exploitation or violence.
Civil government should restrict itself to protecting property and other God given rights and keep itself in the business of creating a low tax environment for all citizens and businesses: (1) When government gives a tax break to one business it is at the expense of all existing businesses and tax payers and may end up driving businesses out of the state. (2) Government gambles, with your tax money, when it involves itself in transactions for land or gives tax breaks to businesses in exchange for a company to move into the state, it's immoral. (3) When government is deal making it is prone to graft and special favors at tax payers expense. (4) Government is less efficient than the private sector because it isn't the politicians' money. Human nature never changes.
Yes, I know, there go my big donors. It's OK, I got you!

Explain your views regarding the roles state government and parents have in elementary and secondary education.

All valid law is based upon "the laws of nature and of Nature's God,” laws observed in nature and revealed law. Both sources show it is parents who have the responsibility and are best equipped to determine the education of their own children. There is a biblical separation of powers. Ignoring or, more to the point rebellion, against biblical separation of powers is at the heart of our national, state and local push down the road to our own destruction. There are four distinct human jurisdictions, like four walls of a building: Self; Family; Church & Civil governance. God above them all, like the ceiling of a building is above all four walls. The civil government is out of bounds when it "takes for itself the place reserved for God" and ventures into realms without authority, which is called IDOLATRY. There is authority for civil government to protect individual God given rights, expressed as being a "terror" to those who do evil. See the Tennessee Constitution, Article. 1, Section 1.
Our state Constitution, like the U.S. Constitution, grants only limited & defined authority FROM THE PEOPLE. The Tennessee Constitution states in Article XI Section 12: "The state of Tennessee recognizes the inherent value of education and encourages its support. The General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance, support and eligibility standards of a system of free public schools. The General Assembly may establish and support such post-secondary educational institutions, including public institutions of higher learning, as it determines." These are the limits of the General Assembly regarding education except in regards to its duty to protect its citizens. Tennessee Constitution Article 1 Section: "Section 2. That government being instituted for the common benefit, the doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind." The General Assembly a duty to resist unauthorized federal exercise powers not delegated by the people under the U.S. Constitution is definition of ARBITRARY POWER. There are means to change either Constitution if the PEOPLE will it through representation.

What is one of the most satisfying things you have ever done or accomplished and what made it so satisfying to you?

I've served as a volunteer since my pre-teen years, a few decades ago. From teen years forward the volunteer work usually centered around my FCC licensed Amateur Radio operator skills. That, in turn lead me into Coast Guard Radioman School and shipboard on the USCGC Ingham where I regularly use amateur radio license and skills to run "phone patches" for the crew to their families across the water. There was limited and very expensive "ship to shore" but no cheap communications without this service so in spite of having to say "over" between each break in conversation, the price was right for my shipmates... FREE.
Eleven years after leaving the Coast Guard I was in the Army. We were preparing to deploy from Germany to "Desert Storm." My late wife and two daughters stayed in Germany, but my communications skills again proved popular. I had been teaching ham licensing classes and had built up a nice little group trained / licensed amateur communicators. One member of the group ran the University of Maryland in Nuremberg. He recognized all his students would be gone so he provided 30,000 Deutsche Marks with which we purchased shortwave ham radios for our home station in Erlangen and multiple radio for deploying units, plus a couple of "TNC's" to send digital message (text) messages back and forth to and from service members and families. I built some wire directional antennas called "V Beams" mounted on the top of stacked "camouflage poles." 12 of them gave about 44' in height. For power we used one of the two 12v batteries that powered the HUMMWV vehicle and we were communicating back to Germany and the States reliably. I don't remember how many thousands of "phone patches" and messages we conducted but I can never forget the joy on the faces of our troops when they heard their loved ones voices.
There was no internet or VOIP back then. Sometimes the "phone tents" would catch up to us and we'd get a little break until we'd deploy to another location and it would take a couple of weeks for the phones to catch up. The thing is the phone tents were not free and many a soldier came home to a huge bill as a result. Our system was FREE "Over!”

What personal qualities or experiences do you think will best serve you in your role as a state legislator?

I believe a legislator must seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. That is what God actually requires of all of us (Micah 6:8) but in particular one who establishes or applies law ought to constantly pray and receive prayers for these principles would guide them.
True principles never change because their author, God, does not change. Those rebel against accountability discourage the principles that make civilization possible, just, caring and respectful. Someone must be willing to stand up for these principles or our posterity will suffer more horribly than any of us can imagine. I am committed to do that for everyone in my district and the State of Tennessee alike.
I am a lifelong student of the Bible, also of: the rule of law; the personal writing of our founders; the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Tennessee. These are all the blueprints to lasting liberty.
I've taught many subjects. I currently teach the principles of godly self-governance and how to properly keep government accountable. I wish to be held accountable myself if elected so I will continue and expand these efforts. I’ve taught thousands of classes: military subjects; leadership; ethics and procedures. For decades I taught radio: theory; communications skills; electronics; and regulations. I have also been an FCC certified examiner.
I am editor of connecting visitors with constitutionally sound sources and the biblical worldview from all over our nation. Most of the articles you’ll read, watch or hear there will never be presented on establishment owned media. It's free with no paid ads.
When elected I will to help mold the law into a more just, merciful, and humble servant government under godly principles. We have strayed, as a nation, from these principles. It is my hope it is not too late to restore our nation to these principles even though I feel we are currently under God’s judgement.
I am a decorated combat veteran. My highest award was the Bronze Star for my service in Desert Storm. I have the discipline to follow through and accomplish this mission if you see fit to support, pray and vote for Mike Warner.

What bill passed in the last General Assembly that you would have voted against and why, or what bill did not pass in the last General Assembly that you wish had passed and why?

There were many bills this past session I would have like to have seen at least the opportunity for all 99 members of the Tennessee House to discuss and vote on. Many were killed in committee by four or five dissenting votes. This includes bills with more sponsors than no votes on the committee. Let's just take the "Open Carry" bill that would have put Tennessee on a par with seven of eight states surrounding Tennessee. Every state touching Tennessee EXCEPT GEORGIA allows citizens who are legally permitted to own a hand gun to carry it openly without a permit. Georgia does not and has the highest number of murders by hand guns of any of our neighboring states.
Routinely, in the Tennessee Committee system, about 5% of state House decides your Representative, and therefore you, do not have a right to have a voice on this or other issues. Perhaps you feel this way too, that the Tennessee General Assembly seems currently far more interested in serving the "leadership" to protect their political careers than in serving the people who elected them. Those in committee chairman positions are always those the "leadership" knows will haul their desired water for them. During elections they will be the ones who get the bulk of the financial support for their campaigns from the leadership including the governor who has financed a many rivals to run against General Assembly members who did not follow his dictates.
The reason the killing of this bill disturbs me so much is not just that the proposed bill only sought to legalized Tennessean's natural rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights, but how it were shot down in flames without allowing the voice of the people to be heard. Our U.S. Constitution guarantees a small “r” republican form of government in each state. This is not how a representative small "r" republican form of government works, this is something else.
Even if elected I cannot change this on my own. I will need your help to learn and to teach the principles that make for responsive, open and honest government. I am currently teaching those who want to learn about those principles. I will continue to do so as long as God grants me strength.